About Us

School of Achiever

Soaring high is my nature

School of Achiever was established in June 2010. It is a Kinder Garten to Class 12, co-educational, English & Gujarati medium school affiliated with the Gujarat Board.

The School is focused on building rich, meaningful, appropriate, and holistic learning experiences for the students. It integrates various activities, academics, dedicated teachers, conventional as well as modern education systems, and splendid infrastructure to foster the holistic development of the students. The school emphasizes continuous learning rather than teaching and strives hard to mould each child to become a self-dependent, disciplined and responsible citizen.

The School endeavours to create a joyful, vibrant, and positive environment for all the members associated with the school. The foundation of the School’s philosophy is deeply rooted in the concept of Holistic Development and a child-centered approach. The school has an effective strategy for achieving it through the means of ‘Balanced Curriculum & Programme’ which is a blend of Academics, Sports & Activities, and Co-Curricular Activities.

Vision & Mission


To assist the students in unfolding their latent talents and help them to grow to the highest level.

Soaring high is my nature


We strive to make learning fun through innovative approaches to education, because education is not the filling of a vessel, but the kindling of a flame. We aim to ignite the spirit, liberate the creativity and leave pattern emergence in different forms and shapes.

Message From Managing Trustee


We know that education is the base of all progress. It is for this very reason that we forayed into education. Our aim is to create academic excellence and educate young people in such a way to prepare them to be responsible citizens in a democratic society.

Our experience has taught that progress is possible only if men and women are equally well educated. We believe in holistic education for your Child encompassing academics, co-curricular activities, sports, education and life skills learning. Teachers are trained not only to teach well but are also expected to inspire confidence and trust in their students and become role models. Further the school inculcates in the students a respect for tradition and ensures discipline and good manners.

Well-informed, value driven and culturally sensitive individuals form the building blocks of a good society. It is our endeavour at School of Achiever to contribute to the development of such a society. You can experience this warmth and enthusiasm towards life which is infused in our school’s ambience for “Seeing is believing”

We welcome your active interest and involvement in the progress of your ward. We look forward for your support.

With warm regards,
Pragnesh Patel

Message From Trustee

“If we want to reach real peace in this world, we should start educating children” – Mahatma Gandhi.

Education is that ultimate need of the Society which can cater to all other requirements. Considering the significance of Education, the emphasis is required to be laid on providing educational resources and supportive environment to students to actively encourage them for participating in limitless learning. The era has arrived where education has to go beyond academic excellence and being imparted with the holistic perspective.

With warm regards,
Vinod Patel

Reason For Being

The school is committed to providing a comprehensive and value-based education that shapes young minds to go above and beyond, explore, learn, and make a positive impact in the world during their lifetime. We motivate students to attain competencies and develop the knowledge needed to become leaders, exemplary individuals, and responsible global citizens of tomorrow.

Our Vision for Our Students

  • To provide the best possible education for holistic development of the students.
  • To provide educational resources and supportive environment for actively encouraging the students to participate for limitless learning.
  • To prepare our students for tomorrow and encourage them to imbibe the qualities of leadership, team work, spirit of adventures, contentfulness and to be a skillful communicator, reflective, self-directed, self-disciplined, a life-long learner and a global citizen with deep roots in the Indian culture.
  • To provide a balanced integrated curriculum that supports overall development of students in relevance to present era.
  • To make learning an enjoyable experience for the students through innovative approaches, opportunities and the activities catering to students multiple intelligences.
  • To facilitate learning experiences beyond theories and bring relevance to the real life situations.
  • To inculcate in students respect for the environment, resources, culture, people and the nation at large.
  • To encourage students for acceptance and tolerance towards the diversity of moral, traditional, cultural, social and religious values.
  • To equip the state of the art facilities, technologies and build infrastructure for supporting the holistic development of the students.
  • To prepare a team of expert and caring educators and to facilitate them with the measures for on-going professional development.
  • To foster partnership with parents and support them for developing their parenting skills.
  • To involve the parents and community at large to widen the limits and make learning a meaningful and lively process.
  • To ignite the spirit, liberate the creativity & leave pattern emergence in different forms and shapes.
  • To help the students in unfolding their latent talents to help them grow to the highest level.


Our objective is to establish a benchmark for education standards by laying a strong foundation for the holistic development of children. At School of Achiever, we view education from a holistic perspective that takes into account the cognitive, socio-emotional, physical, artistic, aesthetic, corporal, creative, and spiritual potentials of each student. While emphasizing a comprehensive approach, we strive to strike a balance between curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities, which aid in the development of a child’s inner-self and make every child an agent of continual learning.

Core Beliefs

At Achiever, the students are positioned above all the priorities of the organization. All the children are treated equally irrespective of their background. In any circumstances, the school doesn’t compromise a bit to cater to the needs of the students. It takes all the measures considering students at the center. At the core of every effort lies the aim for students’ well being. Every move gets analyzed in context to its contribution towards students’ development. The School undergoes all practices to make sure that all the ends meet to prioritize students.

A holistic development of a child refers to simultaneously addressing the physical, emotional, relational, intellectual, and spiritual aspects of a child’s life. Holistic development is the overall development of all areas of development in children. Holistic approaches recognize the connectedness of mind, body and spirit.

Holistic development of every child is the ultimate goal for which School of Achiever strives. The measures for child development go beyond the confines of the classroom and move the concept to a much more radical programme.

School of Achiever focuses on the fullest possible development of the aspirants by encouraging individuals to become their very best so that they can be able to experience all they want from their life and reach their goals. This ordeal initiates with the journey of personal discovery starting with the formal education and then continuing learning throughout their life.

“Life skills are the abilities for adoptive & positive behaviour that enables individual to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life.”- W.H.O.

We believe in inculcation of this skill to bridge the gap between the concepts learnt at the School and the needs of real life. The School endeavours to imbibe life skills in students through incorporation of various exposures and activities besides routine.

The environment around us has a very profound effect over our growth, development, intelligence, thoughts, beliefs, behaviour and character of a person. Also, the environment which we are in affects our mood, health, relationships, work and performance.

It is very important to understand environment and its vital role in moulding a being. The influences of environment are so nicely engrossed on us that it often becomes difficult to draw a line of separation. To understand environment, we need to know what it comprises of. The mix can be different for different people. The mix can be the social factors like people around, culture, civilization, trends etc, the physical factors, the geographical factors, the economical factors, the government, the ruling policies and rules etc which compose one’s environment.

Consciously or unconsciously, people have a constant interaction with environment and this interaction results in building of their beliefs, behaviour, character and the human what they are.

We have a key role to provide our students the platform where they can have a balanced interaction with the environment so that they have an exposure to build their own understanding, have rich experiences, filtered behaviour & strong beliefs.

The Theory of Multiple Intelligences is developed by Howard Gardner, Ph.D., Professor of Education at Harvard University. This model was proposed in his 1983 book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. The theory advocates that each individual possesses a unique blend of all the intelligences. He articulated nine distinct intelligences.

  • musical–rhythmic
  • visual–spatial
  • verbal–linguistic
  • logical–mathematical
  • bodily–kinesthetic
  • interpersonal
  • intrapersonal
  • naturalistic
  • existential and moral intelligence [ He later proposed that existential and moral intelligence may also be appropriate for inclusion ]

School of Achiever strongly believes that every child is gifted with unique blend of various intelligences. The exposures which are given at the home, the School and the environment reinforce the development of the potentials to their fullest.

As the domains for holistic development are manifold, to design a balanced curriculum, there emerges a need for deriving a proper blend of all approaches, programmes and activities.

Certainly, all the types of activities, the ways of working together and the content are fundamental and interrelated for designing well rounded learning programmes but a proper balance amongst these aspects must always be considered to obtain fruitful results.

School of Achiever endeavours to maintain a balance so that no domain remains over or under emphasized. All the programmes get designed keeping in mind all concerns for students’ development.

Balanced Programme and Curriculum = Academics + Sports + Activities

The Partnership with Parents is fundamental requirement for enhancing students’ development and learning whilst at school and at home. The parents are the students’ first educator and have a lifelong relationship with them. Their involvement enriches student’s experience. This involvement is not only beneficial to parents but also it builds on their knowledge of child development and improves their parental skills.

We encourage all feedback and promote openness for having a two way communication with them. This collaborative approach ensures progression within and across different levels & improves outcomes for all children and also helps parents to understand the school better.

The teachers are the practitioners who work collaboratively towards improving the quality of education. They are the keys to unlock children’s latent talent.

At School of Achiever, the parents and students can easily approach teacher for one to one discussion. All the teachers are very helpful. They cater to all sorts of needs for students’ growth and development. To promote learning in a very proactive manner the teachers create a better environment for student to learn. They incorporate in their methodology blended learning approaches; combination of cognitive science, technological advancements that ensures that learning is accessible to students of all abilities. The teachers steer lessons according to the students and create instructional strategies alternatively.

We endeavour to provide highest possible quality staff for imparting education. Only those candidates get recruited who clear brilliantly all rounds of filtration and fit well for the vision of the organization.

School of Achiever ingrains a sustainable Kaizen culture for its working to set higher standards consistently. For continuous improvement, the School fosters its team to take the charge for improvement of their own areas. Seminars, workshops, trainings, meetings and various sessions get duly conducted to support the team for achieving its higher standards and also for maintaining their ability to meet the same.

Every major move of the School undergoes a round of 360o assessment, so as to bring in it a point of saturation. Everyone in the School is encouraged to come up with suggestions for improvement. These suggestions are then penned down, shared, tailored, evaluated and implemented.

The concept of Kaizen is so deeply engraved in the minds of both the team and students that they don’t even realize that they are thinking about it. The School considers this as a systematic approach in search for excellence. Excellence can never be an accident. It is always the result of high intentions, sincere efforts, proper directions and skilful execution by the team. For developing a habit for such excellence, the School strives to imbibe Kaizen in its culture.

Be it an organization or an individual, every entity has an obligation to revert back to the benefits derived from the society. Although this responsibility is passive, School of Achiever considers it as a moral duty to maintain a balance and contribute to the society and environment at large. It is a commitment towards the society to contribute towards its social, cultural and environmental causes, while improving the quality of aspirants’ life and their families, society and Nation.

We strive to imbibe the social responsibility in aspirants’ personal values and belief system to make them a truly responsible citizen. Being truly responsible emphasizes on the idea that it is better to be proactive towards the problem rather than simply being reactive to it. Thus, by embedding responsible values in the learning course of action, a key to eliminate all social evils can possibly be obtained.

“The most important environmental issue is one that is rarely mentioned, and that is the lack of conservation ethic in our culture.” – Gaylord Nelson

There’s an emergent need to bring in children the awareness about the current pressing environmental problems. If actions are not taken to protect our environment, we could be threatened with worse consequences in the future. That is why we believe to take responsibility of our present action.

Every year around 14 million trees are cut down to make just 10 million paper bags. This is enough to create environmental imbalance. To optimize paper usage, the School focuses more on technological usage for its working & correspondence; computers are installed in staffroom so that teachers’ record keeping can be done electronically using less paper. The School uses ERP solutions to maintain record.

Making it a norm to be followed by the whole group, the School is very conscious to create and sustain its positive culture and environment.

Today, when the world has become a global village, there emerges a need to promote awareness about the various issues and challenges prevailing in our dynamic interdependent world. This awareness ultimately moulds the students to be more prominent individuals. It encourages pupils to see things from various perspectives, acquire skills that will be useful to them and last forever.

The School encourages the students for appreciating the diversity in the cultures, traditions and religions beyond the school, the nation and in the world at large. It also fosters awareness of and a profound sense of responsibility for the fate of the planet and for the well being of humanity.

Our Policies

School Timings :

For K.G. For Std 1st to 12th
Monday to Friday Saturday Monday to Saturday
9:00 a.m. o 12:00 p.m Holiday 7:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.

Visiting Hours :

Parents can meet Principal with prior appointment
Monday to Saturday 08:30 am to 09:30 am

Parents can meet Teachers with prior appointment

Medium Day Timing
English Medium ( Std 1 & 2 ) Every Saturday 7:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.
English Medium ( Std 3 to 10 ) Every Wednesday 7:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.
Gujarati Medium ( Std 1 to 10 ) Every Wednesday 7:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.
Std 11-12 Commerce Every Saturday 7:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.
K.G. Section Every Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

Office Hours :

Days Timing
Monday to Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Code of Uniform :

For K.G. From Std I to VIII: From Std IX to XII:
Monday to Friday T-shirt & Capri Monday & Thursday Red T-shirt & Jeans Monday to Friday Trouser, Shirt
Tuesday & Friday Yellow T-Shirt & Jeans
Wednesday & Saturday White T-Shirt & Jeans

General Rules & Regulation :

  1.  Every student must carry his / her Almanac to school every day.
  2.  Students should be habitually clean & always neatly dressed.
  3.  Students should be in school uniform on all working days.
  4.  Strict disciplinary action will be taken on students who are not in proper uniform
  5.  Boys should get their hair cut at regular intervals.
  6.  Emphasis is now laid on the continuous evaluation of performance of students during the whole academic year. Therefore, their performance in the Unit Tests, the 1st & 2nd   Semester examinations, oral tests, practical and homework will be taken into account.
  7.  For the purpose of promotion, the marks secured in the two semester examinations and in the unit test performance shall be added together and the average calculated.
  8.  Eligibility for promotion to a higher standard is as per GSEB norms.
  9.  Unacceptable items such as computer games, personal stereo, mobile phones and dangerous items will be confiscated.
  10.  Walk in the corridors keeping to the left.
  11.  Rudeness to teachers and unkind behavior to other students in the school premises or in the school buses will always be treated as very serious matter.
  12.  Do not use bad language or behavior.
  13.  Never try to solve problems by fighting.
  14.  Respect and preserve the school property and report at once to the teachers any damage or dangers to it you may observe.
  15.  Pupils should be particularly careful not to throw any rubbish anywhere in the school premises.
  16.  Lending or borrowing of money or other articles is not permitted.
  17.  No irrelevant book (other than text books or library books) magazine or other journals shall be brought to the school.
  18.  Students are not allowed to bring any weapon or sharp instruments such as blades, knives, etc to school.
  19.  The cost of any willful damage done will be made good by the concerned student, who will be liable to pay a fine for such offence.
  20.  Exploding crackers or splashing colors during Diwali / Holi or any occasion in the school premises or in school bus is strictly restricted.

Our Expectations From Parents :

  1. Be courteous in your interaction with teachers, staff members and other representatives of the School.
  2.  Ensure your child reaches School on time daily, completes home assignments and is always well-dressed and in complete uniform.
  3.  Attend Open House Days (Parents -teachers meeting) to discuss the progress of your child.
  4.  Please do not interrupt the teacher during class hours. Please approach teachers in the schedule already given.
  5.  For security and service reasons, parents are not allowed to access classrooms directly on regular School days. Parents are requested to kindly follow the given procedure to access the School.
  6.  Do not take your child on holiday during term time.
  7.  If there is an unforeseen emergency within the family, which requires you to request leave for your child, it is essential that you do this in writing to the Principal.
  8.  Do your best to attend public occasions and events organized by the School for the benefit of your child. Do not walk out halfway through a function when your child’s activity for the day is completed, kindly stay until the end of the function.
  9.  Encourage your child to take up new pursuits by enabling them to attend extra-curricular events and activities.
  10.  Please communicate the worry or a complaint to the School so that it can be dealt appropriately.
  11.  Pupils who are convalescing after an infectious disease or are exposed to any infectious disease will be allowed to attend School, only after a written permission is obtained from the doctor.
  12.  While communicating with the Principal & School office, parents / guardians are requested to mention in their letters, name, standard, division and roll no. of their child(ren) or wards.

Leave :

  1. All students are expected to be present on reopening day after vacation on compulsory basis.
  2.  No absentees will be allowed to attend the class, unless written explanation stating the reason for absence from the Parent is provided in the Almanac.
  3.  Students once present will not be allowed to leave the school unless there is an emergency.
  4.  Students should have at least 80% attendance in each semester.
  5.  Repeated absence of child without leave application will not be entertained.
  6.  Any unexplained absence for more than four consecutive days will require written intimation from parents.
  7.  Parents are not allowed to pick their child(ren) just before one hour of school departure time, unless there is an emergency.

Late Arrival :

  1. The school gate will be closed 5 minutes before the assembly.
  2.  Students arriving late will not be allowed to enter the school premises without a valid written explanation in the Almanac.
  3.  Disciplinary action will be taken against habitual late comers.


School of Achiever :

  • School of Achiever is spread across 7 acres at Kudasan, Gandhinagar.
  • The School was established in 2010. In a short span, it emerged as one of the admired schools of Gandhinagar.
  • The School aims for the holistic development of every child.
  • It imparts education in both the mediums; English and Gujarati, under one roof starting from Kinder Garten to Higher Secondary (both streams; science & commerce).
  • For std-1 to std-XII, the School timings are 7:30 am to 1:15 pm, Monday to Saturday.
  • For K.G. section, the School timings are 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, Monday to Friday.
  • Along with studies, the School provides elementary exposure to various games, sports, visual and performing arts, all curricular, co-curicular and extracurricular activities.
  • A day at Achiever comprises of 8 periods of 40-45 minutes with two breaks of 25 and 10 minutes after every three periods.
  • The campus houses play ground with various sporting facilities; skating rink, lawn tennis, amphitheatre, swimming pool, splash pool, badminton, volleyball and a lush green central yard lawn, as well as various laboratories, special room for music, dance, indoor activities, library, auditorium, A.V. room and boys hostel for std 6-12. The campus is under surveillance.
  • To keep parents updated about the happenings of the School and their child, the School endeavours to make use of various media; text messages, website, social sites & application (facebook & WhatsApp).
  • Besides, the School provides IT solutions to Parents like School App for mobile & Parents Portal in School’s website where parents can view all aspects related to their child like official data in school records, homework assigned, marks scored in tests, daily notices/circulars, irregularities at students end etc.
  • To support functioning of the School, it runs various departments like R & D, H.R., I.T., Maintenance, Security, Procurement etc.

Academics :

  • The School is affiliated to Gujarat State board.
  • The academics and assessment practices are carried on as per board norms.
  • To boost the students for attaining a level of excellence, the school tailors its curriculum and course content for class 1 to class 8 in a very efficient and balanced manner with the help of educators.
  • For academic brilliance, emphasis in given to concept clarity, ample revisions, regular tests and relevant remedial measures are duly taken.
  • The child progress is discussed with parents at regular intervals. Also, parents can meet educators and Principal as per the timings declared.
  • To make learning burdenless, limited and required home assignments are given with an aim to enhance learning instead of re-working.

Co-curricular, Extra-curricular activities offered at School of Achiever :

Indoor Outdoor Other
Chess Cricket P.E.
Carom Volleyball Trips & Visits
Table Tennis Basket ball Multi Media
Yoga/Karate Lawn Tennis
Dance Skating
Music: Instrumental & Vocal Badminton
Drawing Swimming
Gymnastic Splash Pool
Rifle Shooting


Competitions :

Competitions from every domain of learning are conducted, like

  • General and house wise competitions
  • Group & Solo performance competitions.
  • Intra School competitions.

Ongoing events & celebrations :

  • All national and religious celebrations.
  • Different Events for different mass get organized.

Team :

  • The faculty members comprise an excellent mix of qualification, experience, talent and dedication.
  • Often seminars, training orientation and workshops get conducted for brainstorming, polishing and updating them with the latest practices in the education field.

Positive culture :

  • Making it a norm to be followed by the whole group, the school is very conscious to create and sustain its positive culture and environment.
  • So as to help students to acquire life skills, the school arranges several activities, projects, event for providing exposures to different domains of learning.
Acres Campus